Shipping and Returns

You will receive a confirmation email when your order is complete. Your tracking information will be sent via email when your order has been processed. If you have not received your order confirmation please check your junk mail. If still not received please contact
  • You will receive a shipping confirmation when your order has been shipped. Please allow 24-48 hours for postal carrier to update parcel movement.
  • We only ship to the address provided during order submission. If you would like to change your address of the package delivery please email us within 24 hours of order submission, otherwise your shipment address will be processed as is.
  • If the address you submitted was incorrect & your order has been shipped to the wrong location, buyer will have to reorder.
  • Shipping is non-refundable
Estimated transit time for U.S orders?
First Class Mail: 7-14 Business Days.
Priority Mail: 1-3 Business Days.
Priority Express Mail: 1-2 Business Days
(May take longer during the holiday season)
  • Hawaii and Alaska -  Please note that shipping times to the noncontiguous states can take between 4 and 6 weeks to arrive at their destination.
  • FPO and APO - Depending on where these addresses are located, the shipment can sometimes take between 8 and 12 weeks to arrive at its destination. 
  • Puerto Rico and Guam - We process our orders in about three days from the time you purchase until the time the parcels leave our warehouse. However, we have found that shipping to these U.S. Territories can take between 8 and up to 12 weeks to arrive at their destination. If you prefer to have your products faster, we suggest choosing UPS as a shipping carrier.  
Order Not Received
We will do our best to get your products to you at your earliest convenience, if your order has not reached you within 10 business days of shipment, please email with the subject line: ORDER NOT RECEIVED. Please include your order number so we can assist you.
Free Standard Shipping Over $50
Please note this does not include any taxes, duties or fees applied to your shipment.
Order Cancellation 
We aim to ship your order as quickly as possible so order cancellation requests will be considered but are not guaranteed.  We cannot cancel an order after it has been processed. 
Cancellation requests should be emailed to with the subject line: REQUEST TO CANCEL within 24 hours of your order being placed.
Please include your order number so we can assist you.
Refunds / Exchanges
All sales are final. If goods are damaged, please send a description of the damage, a photo with the damaged item, as well as your order number to with the subject line: DAMAGED. This should be submitted within 3 days of receiving your order. 
Submitted Wrong Address
If you noticed that you placed an incorrect address on your order, please let us know immediately (within 24 hours). Note that if the order is in the processing queue or is preparing for dispatch, we cannot cancel the order. You will have to repurchase your items.
Arshun Skincare is NOT responsible for lost/ stolen packages, and unfortunately no refund will be issued. If your package is lost/stolen, please contact your local post office to resolve the issue